Monday, August 6, 2007

the fabulous lululemon limited edition hoodies

I actually have a funny story about mine.

I ended up at my local mall after a day of running errands with some time to spare. It had been a while since my last visit and after walking around for a little bit, I was pleased to discover that they had recently opened a lululemon.

Upon entry, something caught my eye. A new Limited Edition 'When We Met' Remix Hoodie casually strewn across one of the tables. I quickened my pace and my heart started racing. Would I get lucky? Would it be my size?

It wasn't. It was the next size up. I tried it on anyway. It was a tad big, but I was planning on wearing it as a jacket anyway. Success! I had wanted one of the LEs for a little while now but was unsuccessful in my search (especially since most of them were ugly). As I disrobed from the hoodie, I noticed myself getting a little bit more attention than usual.

A girl I noticed to be wearing the Cypress Green Grid Limited Edition Hoodie was whispering to her companion and pointing at the hoodie. Another girl who had just entered the store with her friends looked at what I was carrying and exclaimed "That's the one!" It seemed as though everyone left in the store was waiting to see if I would put it down so that they could snatch it up.

I didn't. And now, I'm the proud owner of this baby.

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Needless to say, I felt a little bad. But hey; all is fair in love and shopping.

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