Friday, February 23, 2007

the co-ed's uniform

Abercrombie and Fitch

I know it's generic. I know that they have the exact same styles with only ever-so-slight differences every single year, season after season. But I can't help but continue to buy their zip-ups and cashmere. Is that wrong? Take these two, for example.

Really, what is the big difference? The colours are different (obviously) and the "Fitch's" are in different places, but other than that? Same shape, basically the same script and same materials. They ALL look like this.

But they're so gosh darn comfy. Perfect for those days where you really just want to go to school in your PJ's because you just pulled an all-nighter studying, but can't. Those days that even Juicy sweats are far too dressy for the way that your hair looks.

So I guess yay until I get out of college! Then I'll have no excuse. Maybe I can move on to Ruehl?


Love it. Can't live without it. First of all, these pants are more comfortable than any sweatpants I've ever encountered in my entire life. Second, they look slightly more presentable when worn outside of the gym. Third, they make your bum look AMAZING! I wear my two pairs at least once per week each. If you're a girl and have not invested in a pair (they cost about $93 CAD + taxes), I suggest you do immediately! The pair pictured above are Reverse Groove Pants. They come with all sorts of funky colour strips and are reversible for the boring days.


I think that Uggs are, by far, the most controversial item of clothing I have ever come across. I have nothing but love for mine! They are insanely warm and match EVERYTHING (I wear short sand almost everyday). Even my tall black ones match when I want to dress a little bit nicer (ie. black peacoat). I don't think they're fashionable at all, but utility is key. Especially with Canadian winters. They start to grow on you after awhile. By this time, they're usually sold out of stores and on eBay for double retail. I got mine in August and am super thankful I did!

images from, and

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